The influence of the University Reform of 1918 in Córdoba (Argentina) on the origin of Latin America’s renewed emancipatory thought


The emergence of universities in Spanish colonial America, inspired by the model of the University of Salamanca, would mark the first centuries of the history of universities. These universities began to change with the Independence Movement of the nineteenth century and with the advance of liberalism, positivism and idealism, and were eventually transformed in the University Reform of 1918. This article attempts to provide a vision of the emancipation ideas developed in Latin America starting from the University Reform of 1918. The reform constituted at first instance an expression of the struggle carried out by young students in Argentina and experimented a rapid expansion to other countries of the continent. A variety of schools of thought expressing different critical positions towards the political and social reality and towards common university practices, sprang from confronted models in society and in the university.
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Pittelli, C., & Hermo, J. P. (2011). The influence of the University Reform of 1918 in Córdoba (Argentina) on the origin of Latin America’s renewed emancipatory thought. Historia De La Educación, 29, 135–156. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Cecilia Pittelli

Universidad de Buenos Aires
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ciclo Básico Común. Azcuénaga n. 268, 1.o C (C1029AAF), Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Javier Pablo Hermo

Universidad de Buenos Aires
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ciclo Básico Común. Azcuénaga n. 268, 1.o C (C1029AAF), Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)