Models of development and educational styles in the process of emancipation of Latin America: the case of Brazil


On the occasion of the commemoration of the 200 years of Independence of Latin American countries, this paper analyses the models of development and educational styles in the process of the emancipation of Ibero-America, focusing specifically on the Brazilian case. In order to do this, we use two key texts as a reference: Gregorio Weinberg’s Modelos educativos en el desarrollo histórico de América Latina (Models of Education in the Historical Development of Latin America) and Germán Rama’s Estilos educacionales (Educational Styles). Both texts elaborate the educational models or styles that took part in the historical development of Latin American societies. Bearing in mind the polarization between tradition and the modernization displayed in the educational models and styles proposed by Weinberg and Rama, this work shows how the process of conservative modernization, which characterized —with different nuances— the general emancipation movement in Ibero-American countries, took place in Brazilian society.
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Saviani, D. (2011). Models of development and educational styles in the process of emancipation of Latin America: the case of Brazil. Historia De La Educación, 29, 117–133. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Dermeval Saviani

Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP. Rua Visconde do Rio Claro, 338. Cidade Universitária-Campinas. Estado de São Paulo (Brasil)