Pariahs of Virility: «Effeminate» Men in the History Manuals of Franco’s Spain


The accession to power, at the head of Spain in 1939, of members of the caste of officers supported by the most reactionary sectors of society, placed legal repression and symbolic violence. In the context of a broader exaltation of the national virile heritage, the history textbooks took part in the stigmatization of the «effeminate» men. Their authors are however confronted with the force of the forbidden, which compels them to many circumlocutions. It is true that the risk of porosity between the masculine and the feminine is an ever-present danger, as evidenced by the analysis of the ambiguous figure of the Moor of Al Andalus.
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Noblet, B. (2022). Pariahs of Virility: «Effeminate» Men in the History Manuals of Franco’s Spain. Historia De La Educación, 41(1), 383–403.


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