The Role of Trade Unions in Spanish Education (1936-1983)


This article studies the educational situation in Spain from the end of the Civil War until the transition to democracy in the 1980s. To do so, it begins with a contextualisation of the educational situation and the regulations and values followed during the Franco dictatorship, starting with the fundamental pillars of the dictatorship: Franco, Church and State. After this first contact with what education was like at this stage of the 20th century, a study is made of teachers’ associations and their evolution from the trade unions imposed by Franco’s regime to free association in the democratisation process. This article concludes with the role of the Trade Union Organisation in the key studies for the industrialisation of the country, Vocational Training, as a way of analysing the role of the trade unions in Spanish education.
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Sánchez Muñoz, C. (2022). The Role of Trade Unions in Spanish Education (1936-1983). Historia De La Educación, 41(1), 361–382.


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