Contributions to the Study of the Origins of University Extension in Argentina


The objective of the article is to propose a perspective of the transformations of university extension practices in Argentina during the first half of the 20th century. Its emergence in civil society organizations led by university professors and professionals at the beginning of the century is analyzed. Then, the extension practices formally developed in the Universities of La Plata, Litoral, Tucumán and Buenos Aires are analyzed. The transformation from an extension model aimed at the political formation of the popular sectors to another aimed at the massive dissemination of news in the field of science and culture is underlined. These changes are linked to political transformations and the prevalence of an increasingly moderate and conservative social climate, especially since the 1920s.
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Buchbinder, P. G. (2022). Contributions to the Study of the Origins of University Extension in Argentina. Historia De La Educación, 41(1), 341–360.


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