The First Women in the Greek University: The Oblivion beyond Classical Greece


The aim of this article is to expose the situation, evolution and success of Greek women in their struggle to achieve equality in rights and opportunities, specifically in the Greek university system. By presenting a research through legal documents and personal testimonies of the time, the analyses will reveal a precise and detailed depiction of the social outlook of Greek women at the end of the xix century and early xx is formed. Greece was a country of vital importance for the development of civilization in ancient times; however, at present in our environment little is known about the access of Greek women to higher levels of education. Thereupon, a scientific approach to it will certainly contribute to studying from the perspective of the comparative method the achievements of the feminist struggle in different parts of the world. In addition, a section will be dedicated as well to the first Greek women that reached a position as professors in Greek or foreign universities to complete the analysis of the university outlook of the time.
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Medrano Duque, M. (2022). The First Women in the Greek University: The Oblivion beyond Classical Greece. Historia De La Educación, 41(1), 289–303.


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