Historical Approach of Artistic Education in Spain, from 1857 to 2006. A Period of Social, Educational and Political


Artistic teachings are a subject that has not always been recognized by intellectual society. The social, political and educational evolution have an impact on the advancement of the process of this teaching by opening a gap in education. The competent authorities and agencies have turned to include artistic teachings in the constructivist paradigm developed in the different educational stages, giving substantial value to the trajectory of the different areas that make up such teaching. In this way, the objective of this work is to analyze the historical evolution of artistic education in the Spanish educational system. After carrying out a descriptive bibliographic-documentary research, we can conclude the evolutionary existence that the so-called Artistic Teachings have suffered throughout a period in constant change. This entails the visibility of artistic teachings through, not only the historical framework, but also the legislative learning that the school itself shows us.
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Callealta Oña, L. (2022). Historical Approach of Artistic Education in Spain, from 1857 to 2006. A Period of Social, Educational and Political . Historia De La Educación, 41(1), 177–193. https://doi.org/10.14201/hedu2022177193


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