The fascistization of the italian schools abroad. The case of Barcelona (1922-1931)


The Italian schools abroad suffered their progressive fascistization from 1922. This opened a new channel of propaganda of totalitarian ideology within vital centers for the training of youth. This article makes a case study about these processes abroad, which haven’t yet received enough attention by the historiography, focused on the city of Barcelona. We’ve used archivist documents to know the steps taken in the following aspects: situate the schools in the fascist orbit, exercise an iron surveillance of teachers, establish a new educational program and introduce the students in the fascist youth organization.
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Domínguez Méndez, R. (2014). The fascistization of the italian schools abroad. The case of Barcelona (1922-1931). Historia De La Educación, 33, 231–253. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Rubén Domínguez Méndez

Universidad de Valladolid
Investigador adscrito al Instituto Universitario de Historia Simancas. Universidad de ValladolidCasa del Alcaide (Casa del Estudiante). Real de Burgos, s/n. 47011VALLADOLID