Critical review of ethnic education in Colombia

  • Gaspar Félix Calvo Población
    Universidad de Extremadura kuna[at]
  • William García Bravo
    Universidad del Cauca


In this paper we touch on ethnic education as it was officially adopted by the Colombian government, and developed in law and education policy, for providing public education to those groups with ethnic status (indigenous and black). Also, because the modeling Ethnoeducation collects and promotes the concept of multiculturalism for the establishment of inter-group relations, which we want to discuss from the perspective of application in Colombia.
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Calvo Población, G. F., & García Bravo, W. (2013). Critical review of ethnic education in Colombia. Historia De La Educación, 32, 343–360. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Gaspar Félix Calvo Población

Universidad de Extremadura
Avda. de Elvas, s/n. 06006, Badajoz

William García Bravo

Universidad del Cauca
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y de la Educación, Popayán (Colombia).