The crisis of studies of Commerce in Spain (1953-1970)


The Commerce instruction in Spain was renovated in 1953. The reform, among other things, led to the disappearance the higher degree (Manager Commercial and Insurance Actuary), which was integrated into the Faculty of Policy, Economics and Commerce. The studies for person holding qualification professional basic of trade and accountancy, and trade expert middle-level will continue imparted in the old schools of Commerce. Thereafter there was a decrease in number of students. Attempts to reform the Commerce studies that took place since 1959 were unsuccessful. It was the Education Act that transformed the studies, to integrate the University Professional School of Commerce as University Schools of Business Studies. The article analyzes the causes of the crisis in commercial studies, alternatives that were presented to resolve it.
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Infante Díaz, J. (2013). The crisis of studies of Commerce in Spain (1953-1970). Historia De La Educación, 32, 243–264. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Jorge Infante Díaz

Universidad de Zaragoza
Facultad de Economía y Empresa FCEE. Doctor Cerrada, 1-3. 50005 Zaragoza. España.