The subversion of the gentleman. Body and beauty in Victorian ethos

  • Raquel Cercós
    Universidad de Barcelona rcercos[at]
  • Ángel C. Moreu Calvo
    Universidad de Barcelona


Ever since the importance acquired in the Victorian age to define gender stereotypes, the authors analize the debate emerged in the last period of the nineteenth century and especially in the Oxonian colleges, questioning the prevailing model of manhood represented by the prototype of the gentleman. This contention, supported by new aesthetic-artistic trends and focused on the texts of authors like Walter Horatio Pater, John Addington Symonds and Oscar Wilde, made possible a sort of new open-mindedness and a rupture of hegemonic masculinity ideals governed by a scheme where gender binary determined sexual orientation, leaving it, circumscribed to the limits of heterosexuality.
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Cercós, R., & Moreu Calvo, Ángel C. (2013). The subversion of the gentleman. Body and beauty in Victorian ethos. Historia De La Educación, 32, 105–119. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Raquel Cercós

Universidad de Barcelona
Facultat de Pedagogía. Campus Mundet, Edifici Llevant, 3a planta, Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171. 08035 Barcelona. España.

Ángel C. Moreu Calvo

Universidad de Barcelona
Dpto Teoría i Historia de la Educación. Universidad de Barcelona. Mundet, Llevant. P.Vall d'Hebron, 171 - 08035 Barcelona (España)