Building educational communities from geographical referentiality: The evolution of the representation of educational institutions in Barcelona on urban maps


This paper presents the results of the study of the urban plans and maps of the city of Barcelona. From a preliminary study of the evolution of urban mapmaking, we analyse the referentiality of educational institutions in the city of Barcelona. In particular, we analyse the presence-absence of references to institutions representing different levels of the educational system and focus on how they are represented, observing the references’ degree of symbolisation and the use of generic symbols to refer to them. Using maps and plans as a source of documentation for the history of education, we have carried out a serial and specific analysis, consistent with methodologies derived from visual analysis applying the cultural history viewpoint, in line with the studies on the political and technical genesis of urban mapmaking carried out in the United Kingdom.
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Collelldemont, E. (2013). Building educational communities from geographical referentiality: The evolution of the representation of educational institutions in Barcelona on urban maps. Historia De La Educación, 32, 81–104. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Eulalia Collelldemont

Universidad de Vic
Sagrada Familia 7. 8500 Vic (España)