The situation of the primary education in Majorca and Menorca at the beginning of the twentieth century

  • María del Carmen Fernández
    Universidad de las Islas Baleares cfernandez[at]
  • María Inmaculada Pastor
    Universidad de las Islas Baleares


In this article we try to reflect the situation and academic results of the primary schools in the islands of Majorca and Menorca in 1906, thanks to the governor of the Balearic Islands who takes an initiative reflected at the local newspaper.
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Fernández, M. del C., & Pastor, M. I. (2013). The situation of the primary education in Majorca and Menorca at the beginning of the twentieth century. Historia De La Educación, 25, 433–465. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

María del Carmen Fernández

Universidad de las Islas Baleares
Cra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5. Palma (Illes Balears). España.

María Inmaculada Pastor

Universidad de las Islas Baleares
Cra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5. Palma (Illes Balears). España.