Images and history of education: construction, reconstruction and representation of the school practices in the classroom


This article deals with the value of the image, of the visual, for historians of education. First, we present the different arguments that actually are presented about this topic; second, we offer an overview of recent researches, trying to point out their methodological approaches; third, we develop a theoretical proposal for analysing images, especially photographs; and, finally, we discuss some ideas about the study of school ethnography using images.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Del Pozo Andrés, M. del M. (2013). Images and history of education: construction, reconstruction and representation of the school practices in the classroom. Historia De La Educación, 25, 291–315. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

María del Mar Del Pozo Andrés

Universidad de Alcalá
Plaza de San Diego, s/n  28801 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid