Museology of Education. History of educational museums


On intend to analyse the apparition of the Museology of Education into the History of Education as one of the most interesting field of work in the last twenty years. In the begin on accept that de Museums of Education in Spain have experimented radical changes because of the new approach, new structures, new experts, new activities, new function of the visitors, new construction of an cultural and social space, reason why on inquire on the factors that have generated the museums of education’s changes, reviewing the guidelines of the New Museo- logy, the principal traits of the educational revolution, the power of the new techno- logies and the new approach in the History of Education. Further on the current process of museums of education’s reconversion is review, with one particular study of the take off of the one selection of these museums and also of the Museology of Education. The last chapter is a brief meditation about the exceptionally relations between the Museology of Education and the History of Education, and also about the social and cultural necessity for to found museum institutions with a modern —or postmodern— orientation.
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Ruíz Berrio, J. (2013). Museology of Education. History of educational museums. Historia De La Educación, 25, 271–290. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Julio Ruíz Berrio

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Av Séneca, 2. 28040 Madrid, España.