Third Sector and education in historical perspective: the pedagogical importance of the networks of organized sociability


This paper focus on the conceptualization of the informal educational factors which the social historian must keep in mind in order to build bridges and links between the so called Third Sector (non-lucrative, voluntary social activities) and the processus of social education in the framework of the study of the outstanding pedagogic effects (both for adult population and for younger people, male and female, rural and urban population) of the networks of organized sociability. The constitution of such an analytic exhaustive census as it was possible of entities (voluntary organizations) of an environment geographical concrete (demarcación provincial leridana, in the western and north-western Catalonia) will allow us to investigate how the civil society has been endowed of associative nets throughout the last two centuries, from the industrial revolution to the agrarian revolution, from the first republican and workers movements to the globalization era, and to what extent the diffuse action of the voluntary associations has exercised an educational and civic influence in order to facilitate the empowerment of the civil society and the integration of its fewer integrated diverse segments. This way of analytic exploration made from the history of the education perspective should contribute to enrich in the analysis of the educational and didactic treatment of the Third Sector thus contributing to the design of a curriculum for an advanced training of volunteers, socio-cultural animators and professional staff working in the field of the Third Sector and the non lucrative environment, and thus making easier the pedagogic optimization of the processes of the Third Sector.
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Solá, P. (2013). Third Sector and education in historical perspective: the pedagogical importance of the networks of organized sociability. Historia De La Educación, 25, 173–203. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Pere Solá

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Plaça Cívica, Campus de la UAB  08193 Sardañola del Vallés, Barcelona