Conceptual history and History of Education


After noting the importance of linguistic turn in the field of historiography, the two leading currents in the field of conceptual history are identi- fied, the Cambridge school and Reinhart Koselleck’s Begriffsgeschichte. The paper focuses on the analysis of the latter trend in conceptual history, linked to the phi- losophical (Heidegger, Gadamer), political (Schmitt) and historical (Dilthey) tradi- tion within the German academic community. The paper then reviews the origin and nature of the History of Pedagogy, which arose as part of the classic History of Ideas and later gave rise, after the Second World War, to a Social History of Education. Finally, a conceptual History of Education is proposed that, in addi- tion to addressing the various conceptual strata included in the different terms, also takes into account the intellectual and cultural aspects through a return to discourses and pedadogic narratives.
  • Referencias
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Vilanou I Torrano, C. (2013). Conceptual history and History of Education. Historia De La Educación, 25, 35–70. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Conrad Vilanou I Torrano

Universidad de Barcelona
Dpto Teoría i Historia de la Educación. Universidad de Barcelona. Mundet, Llevant. P.Vall d'Hebron, 171 - 08035 Barcelona (España)