The Pious Schools in Castille and Leon (1875-1931):Social and educative view


The present historiographie research on the Pious Schools in Castille and Leon during the Bourbon Restoration has studied the public, institutional and social dimensions of these centres. The liberal revolutions of the nineteenth century defended the escolapios and even let them expand to such an extent that the end of the century they increased considerably. If it happened so it was because its educative work brought great benefits to the State as well as the citizens. Therefore, there was a symbiosis between the unimaginable in other teaching institutions.
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Martín Fraile, B. (2013). The Pious Schools in Castille and Leon (1875-1931):Social and educative view. Historia De La Educación, 18, 217–239. Retrieved from

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Bienvenido Martín Fraile

Universidad de Salamanca
CEMUPE- USAL (Centro Propio Museo Pedagógico Universidad de Salamanca). Campus de Viriato. Avenida Cardenal Cisneros, 34 – 49029 Zamora (España)