The «Houses of Correction» in the 19th Century Spain. (Some Notes for its Study)


The subject of this article is to offer an approximation to the «houses of correction» in the 19th Century Spain. First, it adduces an assessment of the institutional models that have been inherited from the 18th Century, and second, it brings a descriptive general analysis of the some functional practices and personal elements of the houses of correction of Madrid ( 18 40-49) and Barcelona (1836-188 4).
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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Santolaria Sierra, F. (2013). The «Houses of Correction» in the 19th Century Spain. (Some Notes for its Study). Historia De La Educación, 18, 93–109. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Félix Santolaria Sierra

Universidad de Barcelona
Mundet, Campus Mundet, Llevant. PG.VALL D'HEBRON, 171. 08035 BARCELONA (España)