Moralization y Work and Education at the beginnings of the assistentialpolicy in the XIX century


Coinciding with the growth of poverty at the beginning of the XIX century, we see how the State gradually begins to assume control over social affairs. The private and eclesiastic charity of the Old Regime begins to transform in public charity although marginal society still receives the same treatment, which basically intends their moralization. Basic elements of this moralization were work and education, that are the main points of this article, which in particular refers to charity establishments. Work and education for the poors were requirements that were reiterated in the writings of philantropists, politicians and moralists, following the tradition of the preceding centuries, and which were written into the legislation of the XIX century, the same as in the statutes of the poor houses. An always basic education and with a strong practical character, that intended basically to neutralize the risks of social dangers, transmitting the values of the dominant society.
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Palacio Lis, I. (2013). Moralization y Work and Education at the beginnings of the assistentialpolicy in the XIX century. Historia De La Educación, 18, 67–91. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Irene Palacio Lis

Universidad de Valencia
Av de los Naranjos, s/n, 46022 Valencia (España)