The Social Education Program to ]. L. Vives during the Age of the Renaissance


My objective in this paper consist to present the Social EducationProgram to J. L. Vives during the Age of the Renaissance. His experiences were gained in the society governing rank, to which by birth he belonged. Now it is to be remembered that the claim to respect which we make for the work of a pionner in any new branch of human to Renaissance: Education in Social Values, to charity, justice, peace, concord, understanding among the peoples. In this important respect, Vives suggest a new and significant subject to solve the social problems to Europe of modern times.
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Labrador Herráiz, C. (2013). The Social Education Program to ]. L. Vives during the Age of the Renaissance. Historia De La Educación, 18, 13–31. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Carmen Labrador Herráiz
