The Movement of the Portuguese Modern School


In this article we describe the historical evolution of the Movement of the Portuguese Modern School (MEM) with more than 30 years of work in Portugal. Also we will develop some concepts and pedagogical principles, to illustrate the character of the contribution to pedagogy and the profession of professor in the end of this millennium by this movement of renovation. The content of this article is based, fundamentally, in the results of an investigation made for a thesis of doctorate on the Salamanca University. This study was carried out using an ethnographic perspective of investigation, supported in the oral declarations, obtained through interviews, of members of this Movement. At a first moment, we are going to make a description of the historical evolution of this pedagogical movement, through its key moments. A second moment will be dedicated to the analysis of some singular dimensions of MEM, so that it allows an approach to his pedagogical characteristics. We emphasised the proposals of co-operated formation and the bet in a socio-centric model of education. We emphasised the construction of an own pedagogical culture that impregnates this movement of renovation. A last aspect of outstanding importance is the reflection tradition on the practices that this group cultivates. A third moment, as a synthesis, will be dedicated to the analysis of the contributions to pedagogy and the profession of professor by the MEM in this millennium end.
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González Roa, P. (2013). The Movement of the Portuguese Modern School. Historia De La Educación, 19, 311–329. Retrieved from


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