The university architecture


At the doors of the twenty first century it is undoubtely useful to review the role that architecture has to play within the University Education. As against some recent trends, which seem to predict a dissolution of the magnitude of the academic buildings in view of modern communication technologies (virtual campus), it is necessary to raise a voice in defense of the functional, cultural and symbolic potential which architecture has and must continue to have in such a trascendental activity. It is our right and duty to demand the essential durability of the urban and architectural support as a base and reflection of the University-Society link, in the name of education, culture and progress. This is specially important in Spain, where the phenomenon of the proliferation of universities continues to grow, assited by the energy of utopia, as can be observed in the outstanding project of Cartagena.
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Campos Calvo-sotelo, P. (2013). The university architecture. Historia De La Educación, 19, 207–224. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Pablo Campos Calvo-sotelo

Universidad San Pablo CEU
Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad San Pablo CEU - Urbanización Montepríncipe, S/N, Boadilla del Monte – 28668 - Madrid (España)