The libertarian educational proposals of José Cabrera Díaz


The purpose of this article is to explain the operational guidelines of the Canarian workers movement in the early Twentieth Century in connection with integral educational proposals. For this purpose, we have taken advantage of the articles published in the press by on of the leading exponents of the movement, a member of the anarchist school of thought, José Cabrera Diaz, whose curriculum vitae indicates his importance. He was a journalist, trades union leader and an outand- out defender of rationalist education and of the creation of people's schools, the purpose of which was to eradicate —by combating illiteracy and ignorance— the abusive quasi-feudal practices of the «caciques» that existed in the Canarian Archipiélago.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Ferraz Lorenzo, M. (2013). The libertarian educational proposals of José Cabrera Díaz. Historia De La Educación, 17, 331–347. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Manuel Ferraz Lorenzo

Universidad de La Laguna
C/ Molinos de Agua, s/n  San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (España)