Prologue to History of Secondary Education


In this introduction it's explained the reasons why the secondary education has been the level of education less studied by historians of education. It insits on the importance of this programme and a series of articles are presented which make up the Monografic Section «History of the Secondary Education» with the aim of contributing to a greater knowledge of the subject proposed and, at the same time to stimulate new researches.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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Gómez García, M. N. (2013). Prologue to History of Secondary Education. Historia De La Educación, 17, 5–14. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

María Nieves Gómez García

Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Dpto. de Didáctica y Organización Educativa. C/ Camilo José Cela s/n. 41005 – Sevilla (España)