The transfer of nationalist contents in the family context (Basque Country, 1940-1970)

  • I. Fernández
    Universidad del País Vasco ?[at]
  • A. Uribe-Etxebarria
    Universidad del País Vasco
  • F. Basurko
    Universidad del País Vasco


In this work, and through the use of life-histories, we come across the role played by nationalist women from the Association of Basque Patriots (EAB) in the conservation and reproduction of nationalist and gender discourses up to the Civil War, as well as their practices in public or family spaces during the postwar period. Even though the work is still being carried out, we can already put forward that, despite the situation of clandestinity in the postwar period, we notice: a) A retreat of all nationalist socializing activity towards domestic spaces within the Peninsula whereas in the diaspora more articulated and public activities are maintained, b) The role of women as socializing agents expands to other feminine agents (mothers, aunts, grandmothers...) due to the situation of exile or repression, c) Informal spaces proliferate (stories, tales, songs, dances...) so shifting from the domestic ambit to non-formal practices or to formal ones within the frame of the community (folklore or cultural gropus, home schools...) d) These practices are neither homogeneous nor articulated or highly valued, but they are intentional enough as to provide a context to the appearance of nationalist ideologies and practices in the 60s.
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Fernández, I., Uribe-Etxebarria, A., & Basurko, F. (2013). The transfer of nationalist contents in the family context (Basque Country, 1940-1970). Historia De La Educación, 16, 363–372. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

I. Fernández

Universidad del País Vasco
Av de Tolosa, 54. 20018 Donostia, G¡puzkoa, Guipúzcoa (España)

A. Uribe-Etxebarria

Universidad del País Vasco
Av de Tolosa, 54. 20018 Donostia, G¡puzkoa, Guipúzcoa (España)

F. Basurko

Universidad del País Vasco
Av de Tolosa, 54. 20018 Donostia, G¡puzkoa, Guipúzcoa (España)