The primary school inspectors in Málaga, from the Second Republic to the new State


This article aproachs the suituation of the primary education inspection at the beginning of the Spanish republic and the dispositions that later are taken with the birth of the «New State». Our analysis claims to be able to show the contents of some decrees and dispositions published in a period that covers from 1931 to 1939 thanks to the documentation consulted about the theme. In them, aim functions of the «Porp» were established, as well as its provincial distribution and the provincial inspections, education bulletin publication, as comunication body with schools. We have described all these sides in Malaga, analyzing provincial inspection composition, its word enviroment in 1937, the year in wich the city is «liberated by the national troop». Whe also reflect «the orientations and rules» adopted on 1949 for the Malaga's schools.
  • Referencias
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Caballero Cortés, Ángela. (2013). The primary school inspectors in Málaga, from the Second Republic to the new State. Historia De La Educación, 16, 303–313. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Ángela Caballero Cortés

Universidad de Málaga
Bulevar de Louis Pasteur, 33, 29010 Málaga (España)