Public Education / Popular Education in Rousseau (1755-1771)


The words today are used to distinguish different compasses, objectives, methodologies, theories and fulfilments in the field of education have belonged to other verbalizations along history. Popular, civic and citizen education, among other ones, are recent namings not differed in other times, singulary in the first proposals of public education. It deals —basicly— with a reflexion about public education and popular education words in Rousseau through —fundamentally— two of his most interesting writings: Discours sur VEconomie politique and Considérations sur le Gouvernement de Pologne.
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Vico Monteoliva, M. (2013). Public Education / Popular Education in Rousseau (1755-1771). Historia De La Educación, 16, 233–239. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Mercedes Vico Monteoliva

Universidad de Málaga
Bulevar de Louis Pasteur, 33, 29010 Málaga (España)