The teacher out of school. Notes for a research about the dayly life of «el maestro nacional» (Spain: 1939-1975) (I)


This article is the first part of a wider work which tries to study the relationship between everyday life and pofessional work of nationl teachers in Spain (1939-1975). After specifying the concepts of 'everyday life5 and 'national teacher', we analyze the different curricula that regulated the training of those teachers, the different schools where they taugh, and the opinion that society in general had of their function. To finish whit a hypothesis that will be subject of the future second part of our work: everyday life national teachers has determined different models of action in the class, even more strongly than the very training received.
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Nieves Gómez, M. (2013). The teacher out of school. Notes for a research about the dayly life of «el maestro nacional» (Spain: 1939-1975) (I). Historia De La Educación, 16, 177–197. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

María Nieves Gómez

Universidad de Sevilla
Calle San Fernando, 4. 41004 Sevilla (España)