Almanacs and schedules for teachers


In this article we analise the contents of the almanacs for school teachers published in the second half of the 19th century (after the enactment of the first Ley de Instrucción Pública) and the first decades of the 20th century. These little books, specially written for teachers, played an important role in the making of the school time. They were a good instrument for teachers in organising school work, synchronizying it with the requirements of the Central Administration through the spreading or educational legislation. They were used as well in divulgating professional matters for the teacher's interest: grammar, literature, geography, science... They also have some pages in which textbooks and teaching material are advertised.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Carreño, M. (2013). Almanacs and schedules for teachers. Historia De La Educación, 16, 47–63. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Miryam Carreño

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Av Séneca, 2. 28040 Madrid (España)