Physical education in the franquist scholastic legislation 1938-1970


This article makes a revision to the Spanish legislation, between 1938 and 1970, refering to the subject of Physical Education. Even though the first law, proclaimed in 1945, shows a clear modern conception, in the end this renovating spirit was limited and the new projects did not get developed neither done. The posterior legislation was more realistic although this meant going back to previous conceptions in which Phisical Education was considered less imortant than other educational aspects. Phisical Education has a strong political content due to its dependency on two institutions, El Frente de Juventudes and Sección Femenina, in charge of the elaboration of the programs and questionnairies.
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Pajarón Sotomayor, R. (2013). Physical education in the franquist scholastic legislation 1938-1970. Historia De La Educación, 14, 469–480. Retrieved from


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