A pedagogy for the integral education in the Poveda's work: capacities and physical attitudes development


Generally speaking,the acknowledgement of the need of physical education and its inclusion in the plan of studies underwent a slow process.Pedro Poveda,in this regard,can be counted among those who fostered, at the beginning of the 20th century, the movements of renewal in terms of the integral development of the person. From the very start, Poveda included physical education in his formative programmes. This is seen both in his writings as well as in concrete implementation: in the Academies and Pedagogical Centres. Physical education,whether it refers to exercises, gymnastics, directed play and games, sports, excursions or taking a walk, occupied a space in the school's timetable because «they help generate energy, both physical and mental... it is important to take care of physical well-being... it is necessary to educate integrally» In povedan-inspired centres, «great importance in given to physical education», thus states the Directory of the Catholic Women Institute in 1923. It is taken up as a topic in the first General Assembly in 1928 which came up with a resolution calling on the government, in 1930, to implement physical education in primary schools and to train the teachers who were to conduct it.
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Del Valle, A. (2013). A pedagogy for the integral education in the Poveda’s work: capacities and physical attitudes development. Historia De La Educación, 14, 173–196. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/10420


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Author Biography

Angela Del Valle

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Av Séneca, 2. 28040 Madrid, España.