Conversión of the greece gymnastics to Chistianity, according to José de Letamendi


The article develops the basic concepts of physical education and how to put them into practice as Letamendi had intended. According to Letamendi the education of men should consist of the harmonious development of body and mind; he was inspired in his theory by the hellenic educational ideal through Christian meditation. The study is based on the project for state schools. Letamendi proposes a form of education that is an integral system where moral, health and reasoning are included. Therefore, Letamendi defends gymnastics as an element of the education of men to be revitalised. Given that, as is mentioned above, the model which acts as the point of reference is Greek, Letamendi proposes a conversion from Greek to Christian gymnastics.
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Sanvicens Marfull, A. (2013). Conversión of the greece gymnastics to Chistianity, according to José de Letamendi. Historia De La Educación, 14, 101–124. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Alejandro Sanvicens Marfull

Universidad de Barcelona