Pedagogic renovation and school organization. Ezequiel Cazaña’s project as base of the general regulation of graded schools of 1918


The beginning of the 20th century in its two first decades corresponds to the phase of birth and childhood of the graduated public school in Spain, entering a process of change of the archaic organizing models of the unitary school by the most modern and rational of the graded school. In those first years Murcia is going to reach an outstanding place, with important people worried about the school matter. And it is in this context where this work is located, with the purpose to present the remarkable contribution of the inspector Ezequiel Cazaña Ruiz to the organization and internal operation of the graded schools, since the contents and forms of teaching, students, personal and school equipment, to the circumscholastic works and classes for adults.
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Vicente Jara, F. (2013). Pedagogic renovation and school organization. Ezequiel Cazaña’s project as base of the general regulation of graded schools of 1918. Historia De La Educación, 28, 321–343. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Fernando Vicente Jara

Universidad de Murcia
Calle Campus Universitario. 30100 Murcia. (España)