Origin and historic development of the pedagogic press of Badajoz


The educational press is one of the media that has most influenced the teachers of Badajoz and their province; however, studies regarding the press of the region have not dealt with this type of publication, even though it is a topic of fundamental importance in the History of the Education in Extremadura. Here we describe the origin and historical development of the different educational publications that saw the light in the city of Badajoz, a process that began in the middle of the 19TH century and in which the Normal School of Badajoz played an essential role in getting them published, since proprietors, directors and editors were closely linked to this centre.We also trace the socio-professional profile of the founders and directors of this type of publication.
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Real Apolo, C. (2013). Origin and historic development of the pedagogic press of Badajoz. Historia De La Educación, 28, 207–231. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/10268


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Author Biography

Carmelo Real Apolo

Universidad de Sevilla
Calle San Fernando, 4, 41004 Sevilla (España)