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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Authors must send their articles through any member of the Editorial Board, to the Editorial Secretary (Paseo de Canalejas no 169, 37008 Salamanca, Spain),

2. Two copies must be sent: one on paper, on one side of the page in DIN A4, with a maximum length of 20 pages duly numbered, although longer articles may be published at the discretion of the Editorial Board; another on digital indicating on the label Surname and Name of the author(s); Title: subtitle. Name of file containing the article, and length. Program and version of text processor used (preferably Microsoft Word).

3. On the first page, independent of the work, the following information must be included: title (with subtitle if the former is very long) in Spanish and English, name and surname of the author(s), full postal address, telephone number and e-mail, academic data (degree and university where obtained, professional category and center where practicing), date of conclusion of article. It is advisable to include a list of the most relevant previous publications, as well as indicate whether the work has been presented at any conference or received any kind of subsidy.

4. Next, before the article, an abstract of the content of the work should be given in Spanish and English, with a maximum length of 150 words which, if possible, without interpretations or critique, will identify: motivations, prior state of the art, methodology, results and conclusions. Each abstract will be followed by five or six keywords, in Spanish and English, that define the work.

5. The notes and bibliographic references or documents should be placed, numbered, and in the order in which they appear in the text, at the foot of the page or at the end of the article.

6. The system of references is as follows:

  • a) Books: Author’s surname (capitals), name (can be just the initials), title of the book (underlined), place of publication, publishing house, year of publication.
  • b) Journals: Author’s surname (capitals), name (can be just initials): title of the article (between inverted commas), name of the journal (underlined), place of publication, number of the volume, year (in brackets), number of page(s) cited.
  • c) Documents from an archive: name of the archive (the first time complete and afterwards with initial), section, subset, file, date…
  • d) Press: Author’s surname (capitals), name, title of the article (between inverted commas), name of the newspaper (underlined), date, page(s).
  • e) Book chapters: Author’s surname (capitals) and name (can be just initials). Then, the book and pages referred to will be cited, noting editor or similar.
  • f) Quotations in the text, between inverted commas, that occupy five or more lines, must be single spaced and indented.

7. Tables and graphs must be numbered (in Roman numerals) and sent with good contrast for suitable reproduction.

8. When the article includes photographs or illustrations, the author must include a photocopy or graphic copy of the same in the form of a slide, indicating exactly where each one should be included in the text. Likewise, drawings should be done on film.

9. The author assumes responsibility for the content of his/her work, as well as the spelling and other formalities of the written discourse.

10. The Editorial Secretary undertakes to maintain correspondence with the author concerning the receipt and final acceptance of the work, if the author so requests, and to return the original if it is not finally selected.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.