Reflections on Access to Health Services for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities in the Context of the Health Crisis created by the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Javier Muñoz Bravo
    Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid jmunoz[at]
  • Inés de Araoz Sánchez-Dopico
    Plena inclusión España


The COVID-19 pandemic had in its first wave between March and May 2020, and had a huge impact on the Spanish health system. Its saturation and the scarcity ofmaterial and personal resources forced decisions which implied prioritizing the careof some patients over others. These decisions were made in most cases without taking into account the characteristics, needs and rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, when not based on negative biases on the group. The situation created during the first pandemic peak is analyzed and relevant conclusions are drawn for the preservation of the right to healthcare access.
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