Personal Results: A Longitudinal Perspective of the Quality of Life

  • Ramón Enrique Aja Ramos
    Asociación Gorabide. Bizkaia enriqueaja[at]
  • Jose Ángel Rus Foronda
    Asociación Atades Huesca. Huesca
  • Ainhoa Ezquerro Martínez
    Asociación Anfas. Navarra
  • Mirko Gerolin Pelucci
    Asociación Gorabide. Bizkaia
  • Agustín Illera Martínez
    Asociación Gautena. Gipuzkoa
  • Sergio Martínez Torres
    Pramar Investigación. Salamanca
  • Carmen Montes Benedicte
    Asociación Aspanias. Burgos
  • Gemma Pernía Vela
    Asociación Ampros. Cantabria


Ampros, Anfas, Aspanias, Atades, Gautena, Gorabide, Plena Inclusión present an investigation with the aim to evaluate the impact of the individualized plan that includes personal objetives, the quality of life and the perception of the people. Reference points are established in a longitudinal analysis of the results. Prior to the development of each person’s individual plan, support needs and quality of life were evaluated. In total, 77 people with disabilities participated with different support needs. The objectives of each individual plan were evaluated at the end of the first year and at the end of the second year, at which time the aforementioned scales were once again applied. Significant differences were observed in the results obtained according to the support needs and the assessment made by the professionals according to the years of contact with the person with the disability. The age differences of the participants, the behavioural problems and the achievement of the individual objectives must be taken into account.
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