Family Perception and Actions to Take in Situations of End of Life of People with Intellectual Disability

  • Pako Mendizabal Agirre
    Uliazpi. Guipúzcoa pmendizabal[at]
  • Alberto Merino Laca
    Uliazpi. Guipúzcoa
  • Josune Martínez Alonso
    Uliazpi. Guipúzcoa
  • Ana Corrales Recio
    Uliazpi. Guipúzcoa
  • Purificación Cazón del Canto
    Uliazpi. Guipúzcoa


Persons with intellectual disabilities may need plans for dignified end-of-life processes in situations of advanced, progressive and incurable illness. The aim of the study has been to learn the perceptions, attitudes, values and beliefs of their families and systematize the actions to be taken by professionals in the end-of-life processes of users of Uliazpi’s housing service. A survey has been drawn up on different aspects of this topic and given to users’ tutors/families. The results of the survey show the desire to participate in the decision making, to receive palliative care when necessary and to accompany their relatives in conditions of intimacy. With these results, actions have been identified for the support and accompaniment of users and their families/tutors in accordance with the Basque Law on the Guarantee of Rights and Dignity of Persons in the End-of-Life Process, taking into account users’ preferences and values and those of their tutors and relatives.
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Mendizabal Agirre, P., Merino Laca, A., Martínez Alonso, J., Corrales Recio, A., & Cazón del Canto, P. (2020). Family Perception and Actions to Take in Situations of End of Life of People with Intellectual Disability. Siglo Cero, 51(3), 27–46.


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