Influence of the type of housing on the quality of life of the elderly with intellectual or development disability


One of the factors that affect the quality of life of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities is the type of housing in which they live. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of the type of housing on the quality of life of old people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. To obtain the information, a reliable and valid questionnaire was used as instrument, which is the GENCAT Scale, to which a series of items has been added to gather the sociodemographic variables, in an ad hoc questionnaire. The number of participants is 268, aged between 45 and 81 years old, belonging to the Communities of Castilla y León and La Rioja. The results show that the participants present higher quality of life when they live in dwellings in the community. Of the types of housing analyzed, it has been detected that those in which the specific supports and resources are offered to the users, the scores are higher in the dimensions Interpersonal Relations, Personal Development, Self-determination and Physical Wellbeing. Therefore, as stated in the starting hypothesis, in these mentioned areas a higher quality of life is detected.
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