Service quality from the point of view of people with intellectual disability: relationships with its satisfaction and wellbeing

  • Esther Gracia Grau
    Universidad de Valencia
  • Naiara Vidal Sellés
    Universidad de Valencia
  • Vicente Martínez Tur
    Universidad de Valencia Vicente.Martinez-Tur[at]


Service quality in centers for individuals with intellectual disability plays an important role in their satisfaction and well-being. However, the perspective of in- dividuals with intellectual disability has been relatively neglected in previous research studies. For this reason, the current study aims to analyze service quality (functional, relational, and tangibles) considering the point of view of individuals with intellectual disability, and its links to satisfaction with the center and subjective well-being. The sample was composed of 786 subjects with intellectual disability who were using different types of centers (day-care services, occupational services, and residential services) all of them affiliated with “Plena Inclusión”. Our findings showed that individuals with intellectual disability have a very positive perception of service quality and high levels of satisfaction and well-being. In addition, we observed that the tangible aspects predict significant variance of satisfaction with the center, but it is not able to predict well-being. By contrast, the quality of the interaction with professionals, especially in functional terms, related to both satisfaction and well-being experienced by individuals with intellectual disability. 
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Gracia Grau, E., Vidal Sellés, N., & Martínez Tur, V. (2017). Service quality from the point of view of people with intellectual disability: relationships with its satisfaction and wellbeing. Siglo Cero, 48(3), 41–53.


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Author Biographies

Esther Gracia Grau

Universidad de Valencia
Profesora en el Departamento de psicología Social de la Universidad de Valencia. Miembro investigador del IDOCAL (Instituto de Desarrollo Organizacional y Calidad de Vida Laboral)

Naiara Vidal Sellés

Universidad de Valencia
Miembro investigador del IDOCAL (Instituto de Desarrollo Organizacional y Calidad de Vida Laboral)

Vicente Martínez Tur

Universidad de Valencia
Profesor en el Departamento de psicología Social de la Universidad de Valencia. Miembro investigador del IDOCAL (Instituto de Desarrollo Organizacional y Calidad de Vida Laboral)