A Study on the Efficacy of the Structuring of Support on Professional Training for Young People with Intellectual Disabilities

  • Elías Vived Conte
    Universidad de Zaragoza evived[at]unizar.es
  • Luis Carlos Delgado-Pastor
    Universidad de Granada


In the context of an innovative teaching project approved by the Government of Aragon and the University of Zaragoza a study on professional training for young people with intellectual disabilities (ID) was developed. The objective was to investigate the support system and to check the effectiveness of a design based on sources of natural and professional support. 9 young people with DI took part together with diverse support staff –parents, volunteers, university students through a service learning experience, professionals, adults with ID–. The theoretical bases of the project were linked to independent life projects, the supported employment and the supports model. The methodological references were the mediational teaching approach and cooperative learning. As evaluation tools, the Adaptive Skills Inventory (CALS), the questionnaire of social interaction skills (CHIS) and the questionnaires of satisfaction were used. The results indicate a high achievement regarding the acquisition of skills by the participants,as well as a high degree of satisfaction from the experience. Despite several limitations present in our study, our results support the desirability of establishing new designs that enhance the effectiveness of the professional training of young people with DI and promote social and labor availability in inclusive environments.
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Vived Conte, E., & Delgado-Pastor, L. C. (2016). A Study on the Efficacy of the Structuring of Support on Professional Training for Young People with Intellectual Disabilities. Siglo Cero, 47(2), 99–114. https://doi.org/10.14201/scero201647299114


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Author Biographies

Elías Vived Conte

Universidad de Zaragoza
Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de Huesca. C/Valentín Carderera. 22003 Huesca Asociación Down Huesca

Luis Carlos Delgado-Pastor

Universidad de Granada
Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de Melilla. Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. C/ Santander, 1 C.P. 52005 (Melilla) Melilla