The Role of Families in Intervention Programs Promoting Independent Living for Youth with Disabilities: A Qualitative Study


For people with intellectual disabilities and their families, the transition to independent living is a major challenge. The aim of this article is to characterize the role of families in programs to promote Independent Living for young people with disabilities. This study corresponds to the second stage of an evaluative research, the design was retrospective of phenomenological character, and the inductive method Thematic Analysis was used to analyze the information collected from the semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups. Among the main results is the motivation of the family as a fundamental pillar to persevere in the process; it also highlights the path of acceptance of the child’s disability, leaving behind the infantilizing look, which is linked to the importance of promoting their autonomy. Also highlighted as a result is the resignification of the role of the caregivers and the creation of a support network. Based on these results, we reflect on the relevance of empowering youth people with disabilities, the necessary conditions to extend the changes promoted by the intervention to other significant environments, and the overload permanently experienced by mothers-caregivers in their role.
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