Implementation of the Right to Sexuality of People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities according to the Professionals of an Andalusian Association


The perception of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities is often biased by prejudices that hinder their exercise of the right to sexuality. This work tries to evaluate the perception of professionals of an Andalusian association on the implementation of this right and whether it differs from national reference values. For this purpose, the responses of 54 professionals from an association were collected through the questionnaire created by De la Cruz et al. (2020), based on nine factors: Information and sexual education, Intimacy, Consideration towards her naked body and shyness, Autonomy and self-determination, Sexual identity and orientation of desire, Personal relationships, Necessary support, Gender perspective and Shared work. The results show intermediate levels of implementation in most of the factors, and significant differences with respect to the national reference values in only two of them. Autonomy appears as a central factor due to its links with other factors, followed by the Gender Perspective factor. This study illustrates the usefulness of evaluating the implementation of actions in favour of the sexuality of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, providing strategies and methodological tools.
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