Characteristics of Group Sexual Violence against Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Spain: A Jurisprudential Study

  • Jesús de la Torre Laso
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Cristina Cazorla González
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia ccazorla23[at]


For decades, sexual violence involving vulnerable people has become an issue of great social importance. Likewise, people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are no strangers to sexual violence victimization. The studies carried out on sexual violence against people with ID have focused on analyzing victimization when the aggressor is only one and there is no knowledge of the existence of studies that deal with sexual violence committed by the actions of several subjects in a group. Knowing the characteristics of this type of sexual violence is crucial to protect people with ID and to prevent these crimes. This article analyzes the characteristics of group sexual offences by means of a descriptive analysis of court decisions in recent years in our country. Eighteen sentences were found in which 47 perpetrators appeared, most of them men, and 18 victims. The results of the study show the vulnerability of people with ID and the need to investigate this type of events in order to try to prevent their victimization.
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