Detection of Needs in People with Intellectualand/or Developmental Disabilities with Behavioral Problems: A Qualitative Study

  • Adrián Garrido Zurita
    Instituto Centta. Unidad de Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo[at]
  • Noemy Martín Sanz
    Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
  • Laura Galindo López
    APADIS. Área de Empleo


Throughout these years, Person Centered Planning (PCP) has encountered obstacles that have prevented meeting some of the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with behavior problems both in the family, professional and personal environment. For this reason, the present study arises, to detect the needs of PCDI/PC, and in turn, the needs of professionals and family members that affect the care of PCDI/PC through discussion groups with professionals, families and PCDI/PC that are part of Plena Inclusión Madrid. In total, 82 people participated, divided into professionals (health, educational, work and social), families and PCDI/PC, and in total, 81 needs have been detected that affect these three groups. In conclusion, these discovered needs are posing an obstacle for the PCP methodology to be effective in PCDI/PC, so it would be interesting for future studies to study measures to help cover them.
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Garrido Zurita, A., Martín Sanz, N., & Galindo López, L. (2022). Detection of Needs in People with Intellectualand/or Developmental Disabilities with Behavioral Problems: A Qualitative Study. Siglo Cero, 53(3), 53–74.


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