Beyond the Law. Transit and Access the Spanish University with Cerebral Palsy

  • Eva F. Hinojosa Pareja
    Universidad de Córdoba
  • Estela Zamora Recio
    Universidad de Córdoba s02zaree[at]
  • Inmaculada Ruiz Calzado
    Universidad de Córdoba


Despite legislative efforts to facilitate the transition and access to higher education for students with disabilities, theirs translation into practice is considered insufficient, it requires new political and educational developments underpinned onthe impact of policies toward people and making the experiences of this collective. From the theoretical framework of inclusion, this study focuses on knowing the experiences and perceptions about transition and access to the university of 12 students with cerebral palsy, an absent group in the research of this educational stage. Through a biographical-narrative approach, concretized in self-reports and semi-structured interviews, three categories are analyzed by an emergent way: transition and initiation activities, perceived barriers and aids, and conceptions about diversity and inclusion. The results highlight the role of families in the transition and progress in terms of material aids and specific services by the institutions, while material barriers are highlighted and questioned he relevance of some actions undertaken. These findings are crossed by three different conceptions of diversity: naturalization, difference and inequality. Scientific and political implications are discussed at the end of the article.
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Author Biographies

Eva F. Hinojosa Pareja

Universidad de Córdoba

Estela Zamora Recio

Universidad de Córdoba

Inmaculada Ruiz Calzado

Universidad de Córdoba