Evaluation of Online Training by Young People with Intellectual Disabilities: Experience during Covid-19 in a University Context

  • Gabriela Inés Coñoman Garay
    Universitat de València
  • Vicenta Ávila Clemente
    Universitat de València. ERI-Lectura. Facultad de Psicología vicenta.avila[at]uv.es


This work shows a job-training module was adapted to online learning for young people with intellectual disabilities participating in a university job skills programme, this adaptation emanating from the health crisis produced by COVID-19. The article aims to find out how this group of young people evaluate the experience of online training and to compare the perceived satisfaction in face-to-face and online training. Methodology: The research follows a cross-sectional descriptive study, through two ad-hoc questionnaires completed by 16 students. Results: The results show that distance learning has more advantages than disadvantages; the students self-report that they have strengthened elements related to active job search, self-management skills and autonomous management of digital programmes. Furthermore, there are no significant differences in terms of satisfaction between the virtual and face-to-face modes, both in terms of satisfaction with the activities and the relationship with the teachers. Conclusion: The participants are open to online training and positively value direct support. It is seen that the Internet provides the group with opportunities for autonomous development; blended learning allows them to generate other uses for the Internet, enabling them to enrich their digital and work skills.
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Author Biographies

Gabriela Inés Coñoman Garay

Universitat de València

Vicenta Ávila Clemente

Universitat de València. ERI-Lectura. Facultad de Psicología