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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Wherever possible, URLs and DOIs are provided for the references.
  • The text is double spaced, a font size of 12 points, italics is used instead of underlining (except in URL addresses), and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end of the text, one per page.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Guidelines for authors (in Submissions section within the About menu).

Author Guidelines


To submit a paper to be considered for publication, please follow the procedure outlined here:

All authors must include their full name, affiliation (name of institution, city, and country), professional postal address of the corresponding author, email address, and ORCID iD, where applicable. The paper should be submitted as a single file and should include the following: title, abstract, and keywords in Spanish and in English; short title; and the complete anonymized article.

The reference list and any tables or figures should appear at the end of the manuscript and should follow APA Style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 2019, 7th edition).

APA Style Reference Guide



The manuscript should be in Microsoft Word format, using Times New Roman font size 12, with margins of 2.5 cm; it should not exceed 30 pages (including title, abstract, reference list, tables, figures, appendices, and illustrations), and these pages must be numbered. All parts of the manuscript should use double-line spacing; this includes the abstract, body of the paper, headings, references, and tables.

The manuscript should include a one-paragraph abstract of up to 200 words and between 4 and 8 keywords; both the abstract and keywords should be provided in Spanish and in English. The abstract should refer to the main elements of the paper: definition of the research problem, objectives of the study, method, main results, and conclusions. In general, empirical articles should follow the IMRD (introduction, method, results, discussion) structure.

It is recommended that authors who want to publish their work in the journal disaggregate their data by gender in their work, avoiding biases and gender stereotypes, analyze differences within and between genders, present the results disaggregated by gender, and propose theoretical reflections and empirical studies that highlight gender inequalities (i.e., those that are socially and culturally constructed and do not stem from biological differences).

Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear, indicating their position in the text. Each table or figure should be included on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. The number of tables and figures should be kept to a minimum and should not contain information that is redundant with the text; they should also follow APA Style (7th edition).

In-text citations should give the author’s surname and the year of publication (both elements should appear in parentheses and be separated by a comma). If the author’s name forms part of the narrative, it should be followed by the year in brackets. Where there are two authors, both should be cited. For a work with three or more authors, include the surname of only the first author followed by “et al.” and then the year; where there may be confusion, add the names of the other authors until the citation is clearly identifiable. The reference list entry, however, must be complete (up to a maximum of 20 authors). Where different works are cited within the same parentheses, they should be arranged in alphabetical order. To cite multiple works with an identical author (or authors) and publication year, include a lowercase letter after the year (a, b, c, and so forth), repeating the year each time.

Reference list entries should be arranged in alphabetical order.

For references to Siglo Cero, in this journal or in other publications, authors must use a standardized means of identification for the journal, using only the name Siglo Cero.

Articles should not include footnotes. A brief note with acknowledgments may be inserted at the bottom of the first page.

The language used to describe disability has evolved across different countries, cultures, and disciplinary fields. Siglo Cero is committed to using language that respects people with disabilities and complies with the 2006 United Nations International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Authors are therefore encouraged to use “person-first” language (e.g., person with intellectual disability) or, where appropriate, “identity-first” language (e.g., Deaf person, understood as a person who fully identifies with their cultural group). Pejorative terms, outdated terms that are no longer acceptable (e.g., deficient, handicapped), or inappropriate terms (e.g., mentally challenged, functional diversity) must not be used and will result in the paper being returned immediately to the authors.

On the other hand, at Siglo Cero we maintain the commitment to equality and respect for all people, we recognize and appreciate diversity. Therefore, the authors must ensure that they use language free of bias, avoid stereotypes and commit to inclusive language, but prioritizing grammatical correctness, economy of language and precision given space limitations.

Articles that do not comply with these editorial standards will be returned immediately to the person responsible for submission, who will be asked to adapt the article to these standards before it can be sent for review.



The acceptance criteria for papers sent to Siglo Cero are quality and originality, as well as significance and interest for the journal’s readers. Each paper will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. If the reviews differ widely, a third reviewer or an expert in methodology may be appointed. Authors may suggest a possible reviewer they consider suitable to assess their paper, and should provide an email address; they may also indicate the names of people they do not wish to be involved in the review process. In all cases, the journal editor has responsibility for the final decision. Where necessary, the journal may invite external reviewers who are not part of the Editorial Board.

In any case, Siglo Cero will try to make a balanced distribution of women and men in the review process.


Authors must ensure they have complied with APA ethical standards as well as APA guidelines for the reporting of research results. Authors are also responsible for disclosing potential conflicts of interest.

Papers must be original and unpublished; Siglo Cero will not accept papers that are being simultaneously reviewed by another journal or publication, nor will it accept papers that have previously been published in whole or in part. It will be assumed that all those who appear as authors have given their agreement, and that any person cited for personal correspondence has given their consent to be contacted.

The “Method” section of the paper should indicate the permissions or consents obtained to gather the data, especially in cases where the sample is made up of minors or people without capacity. In all cases, the research must comply with the applicable data protection legislation in the countries of origin of the research.

Authors must identify any sources of funding for the article.

If a paper is accepted for publication, the printing and reproduction rights in any form or medium belong to Siglo Cero. Siglo Cero will reject no reasonable request from the authors to obtain permission for the reproduction of their work. Furthermore, the opinions expressed in the papers are solely those of the authors and do not compromise the opinion and scientific policy of the journal. Likewise, in order for the paper to be considered for publication, the activities it describes must be in accordance with generally accepted ethical standards and professional codes of conduct for the field of study, for research involving humans and for experimentation with nonhuman animal subjects. It is therefore the responsibility of authors to ensure that they comply with our Ethics Policy Research involving human participants must be conducted in an ethical manner with due regard for informed consent. In such cases, the manuscript must include a statement demonstrating that Institutional Review Board or Ethics Committee approval has been obtained; this is an explicit statement identifying the ethics committee review and approval for each study, where applicable, as well as a brief description of how consent was obtained and from whom. The editors reserve the right to reject a paper if they have reason to believe that proper procedures have not been followed.

Privacy Statement

Names and emails entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in this journal and will not be provided to third parties nor will be used for other purposes.