Hollywood-style Epidemics. A Short Catalog


Epidemics caused by infectious microorganisms have been a constant source of inspiration for commercial films. Many films on this topic are quite famous and well known by the general public, so they can be used to explain several epidemiological, immunological and microbiological concepts to university students in health-science degrees. In this work, several films have been selected and their most appropriate sequences for teaching purposes have been commented. Although a large part of the films on epidemiological topics usually recreate implausible situations with little scientific rigor, they are still useful in their use as teaching tools.
  • Referencias
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Sánchez-Angulo, M. (2021). Hollywood-style Epidemics. A Short Catalog. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(e), 311–326. https://doi.org/10.14201/rmc202016e311326


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